SE Sask Event Guide
Join in the fun and excitement of SE Saskatchewan's vibrant events scene. Whether you're a music lover, foodie, outdoor enthusiast, or history buff,
there's an event waiting for you in our region.
June Events
June 15 - Sooline Cruisers Show N Shine (Weyburn)
June 28, 29 & 30 - Carlyle Midway & Fair (Carlyle)
June 29 & 30 - Redvers Homecoming (Redvers)
June 30 - Coal Creek Festival (Bienfait)
June 30 - Oxbow Multicultural Days (Oxbow)
July Events
July 1 - Redvers Homecoming (Redvers)
July 1 - Weyburn Canada Day Celebrations (Weyburn)
July 1 - Oxbow Multicultural Days & Canada Day (Oxbow)
July 4 - Weyburn Chamber Summer Parade (Weyburn)
July 4 - 6 - Weyburn Fair Days (Weyburn)
July 4 & 5 - Souris River Rodeo (Weyburn)
July 13 - Gifted Summer Art Market (Weyburn)
August Events
Aug 9 & 10 - Heritage Village Days (Weyburn)
Aug 16 - Sask Express at Boundary Beach (Boundary Dam near Estevan)
Aug 17 - Carlyle Fun Dayz (Carlyle)
Aug 23 - Arcola Roughstock Rodeo (Arcola)
Aug 24 - SCRC Motocross (Carlyle)
September Events
Sept 7 - Carnduff Fall Fling (Carnduff)
Sept 14 & 15 - Homespun Quilt and Craft Show (Carlyle)
Sept 21 - SCRC Motocross (Carlyle)
Sept 28 - SCRC Motocross (Estevan)
Sept 29 - SCRC Motocross (Estevan)
To have your event listed, email HERE for more information.